We are a church longing for the authentic presence of the Lord — no matter the cost.
God is looking for a residence inside of a people. He is longing for a people that He can call HOME. Our heart is that our gatherings are first and foremost attractive to the Lord. When He is in the room, hearts are mended, bodies are healed, and lives are restored.
What We Believe
In a world marked by constant shifting, we anchor ourselves in unchanging truths, the wisdom found in God’s Word. Risen Nation Church is driven by specific foundational beliefs. Find out more about what we believe below.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God, a revelation from God to man, the infallible rule of faith and conduct. We believe the entirety of the Scriptures is true, and the Word of God reveals His love to the world. (2 Timothy 3:15-16; 1 Peter 2:2, John 3:16).
We believe in one true God that has revealed Himself as eternally existent in three persons yet One Lord; The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29; Isaiah 43:10-11; Matthew 28:19).
God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." But man fell, and his only hope of redemption is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Genesis 1:26-31; 3:1-7; Romans 5:12-21).
(A) Conditions of Salvation: The grace of God, which bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men, through the preaching of repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ; man is saved by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, and being justified by grace through faith, he becomes an heir of God according to the hope of eternal life. There can be no salvation without believing in Jesus Christ and those that reject Him will be eternally separated from God in hell. (Titus 2:11; Romans 10:13-15; Luke 24:27; Titus 3:5-7, John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23; 2 Corinthians 5:10-11; Ephesians 1:7 and 2:8-9). // (B) The Evidence of Salvation: The inward evidence of the believer of his salvation is the direct witness of the Spirit (Romans 8:16). The outward evidence of all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness.
The ordinance of Baptism by a burial with Christ should be observed as commanded in the Scriptures, by all who have really repented and in their hearts have truly believed in Christ, as Savior and Lord. In so doing, they have the body washed in pure water as an outward symbol of cleansing, while their heart has already been sprinkled with the Blood of Christ as an inner cleansing. Thus, they declare to the world that they have died with Jesus and that they have also been raised with Him to walk in newness of life (Matthew 28:19; Acts 10:47-48; Romans 6:4; Acts 20:21; Hebrews 10:22).
The Lord's Supper, consisting of the elements, bread and the fruit of the vine, is the symbol expressing our sharing the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:4); a memorial of His suffering and death, and is enjoined on all believers (1 Corinthians 11:24).
All believers are entitled to, and should ardently expect, and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, and fire, according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the normal experience of all in the early Christian Church. With it comes the enduement of power for life, speaking in new tongues, the bestowment of gifts and their uses in the work of the ministry (Luke 24:29; Acts 1:4, 8; I Corinthians 12:1-31). This wonderful experience is distinct from and subsequent to the experience of the new birth (Acts 10:44-46; 11:14-16; 15:7-9).
The Scriptures teach a life of holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. By the power of the Holy Ghost, we are able to obey the command, Be ye holy, for I AM holy. Entire sanctification is the will of God for all believers and should be earnestly pursued by walking in obedience to God's Word (Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; 1 John 2:6).
Deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement and is the privilege of all believers. We believe that we are given the power and mandate through Jesus Christ to heal all those oppressed by the devil. (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17, Matthew 10:8)
A divinely called and scripturally ordained ministry has been provided by our Lord Jesus for the evangelization of the world and the edifying of the Body of Christ, that they all may come to know Him (Mark 16:15-20; Ephesians 4:11-13).
The Church is the body of Christ, the habitation of God through the Spirit with divine appointments for the fulfillment of her great commission. Each believer, born of the Spirit, is an integral part of the church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:22; Hebrews 12:23).
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. (Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:15-19; Habakkuk 2:14; Numbers 14:21; John 17:21-22).
We believe that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end; and that we must have concern for the physical and spiritual needs of our fellowmen. (Psalm 139:13; Isaiah 49:1; Jeremiah 1:5; Matthew 22:37-39; Romans 12:20-21; Galatians 6:10).
We believe God's plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage. Marriage, according to Scripture and the law of God according to His masterful design, is exclusively between man and woman. (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5-6; Mark 10:6-9; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9).
We believe in the return of Christ. The Man Jesus Christ came God in the flesh to redeem mankind back to Himself through His own blood. His salvation is for all men and His promise is to return for a prepared Bride to establish His Kingdom and rule fully on the earth. Revelation 1:8, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 21:1-4; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1:7; Matt. 25:1; 1 Thess. 5:1-3)

“One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.”
Psalms 27:4 ESV
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