One Church. Multiple Locations.
Discover and deepen your relationship with Jesus by being a part of Risen Nation Church, a church family for everyone. Join us weekly in Tennessee, Texas, and Illinois for worship and insightful teachings from His Word. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to stop by our designated areas in the lobby at each location. From our parking team to our welcome team, we're here to welcome you and help you on your path to discovering and deepening your relationship with Jesus.

First-Time Families
From newborns to 5th graders, Risen Nation Kids is here to create a fun and safe space for every child at every location. We believe that God plants within the heart of each child a desire to deeply experience His love and presence.
Planning to visit?
We're excited to meet you! When you arrive, look for the kids check-in station in the lobby, Our team is excited to assist you in registering your child. Feel free to share any essential information, such as allergies or special instructions. Once checked in, our team will guide your child to their designated area, equipped with age-appropriate games, worship, and Bible-based lessons.

Have More Questions?
Whether it’s a question about service times, a prayer request, or anything else in between, we make a point of personally responding to every message sent to us.